mardi 20 juin 2006

Wow....that didn't take long, now, did it?

While I was reading about the response of Pfc. Kristian Menchaca's uncle to the private's death in Iraq at lunchtime today, I wondered how long it would take for the denizens of Outer Wingnuttia to brand him a traitor.

Turns out it didn't take long.

Ken MacKenzie said:

"Because the U.S. government did not have a plan in place, my nephew has paid for it with his life...I think the U.S. government was too slow to react to this."

And faster than you can say "Ann Coulter", John Hinderaker is on the case:

In a sick coda, Menchaca's uncle, Ken MacKenzie, appeared on the Today show and recited weirdly inapplicable Democratic Party talking points in relation to his own nephew's death...

"No shame," he says. No shame? How about slamming a grieving relative before the body is even cold for no shame? I really wish someone would explain this erotomania that guys like Assrocket and Joe Klein and Chris Matthews have for Captain Codpiece. Because it's causing them to not be able to see straight.

(Hat tip: Paul the Spud at ShakesSis)

UPDATE: Assrocket and all the others who are going to go all Ann Coulter on these families' asses should read every damn word of this. Then comment to me how you can continue to support these bums.

Brian Hart, the father profiled in the article, has a blog. If you have a blog, please add it to your blogroll, as I just have.

(WaPo article via this must-read post at Firedoglake)

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