mardi 6 juin 2006

Crank Yankers

Ah, this ia great. I wish all of these calls were being recorded, but you'll have to content yourself with this one.

It's almost enough to make me feel sorry for the staffers of these fools, for they're just the ones fielding these calls. But then, they're working for these hypocrites, let 'em squirm.

Tony Snow yesterday had the temerity to call BANNING gay marriage "a civil rights issue." Sounds like someone saying white people have a "civil right" to their own water fountains untainted by black mouths, doesn't it? And this is the White House Press Secretary. Racists, bigots, pedophiles and closet cases -- the while bunch of them. Every fucking Republican who supports this bill deserves to have his or her entire past delved into, dissected, and plastered all over the front pages of every newspaper in the country. THEY started this game, we're only playing it with them.

I understand differences of opinion. I understand being conservative or liberal. What I can't understand, and won't tolerate, is hypocrisy. Don't tell me you support net neutrality and then have Mike McCurry doing fundraisers for your campaign. (Paul Aronsohn, I'm talking to YOU.) Don't tell me you're concerned about the American worker and then support legislation increasing the number of H-1Bs when there are tens of thousands of American IT people out of work. And don't fucking tell me you are concerned about the "sanctity of marriage" when you've been divorced or had affairs. You do that, you look like a moron. And you have no business deciding what others should do with their lives.

As I've said before, last summer I went to the fabulous ModFab wedding. This September Mr. Brilliant and I will celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. The ModFab marriage didn't "attack" mine, it didn't weaken mine, and it sure as hell didn't destroy mine.

50 years ago, Sen. Joe McCarthy appealed to the worst instincts in the most ignorant Americans. Since then, hatemongers like David Duke, Lester Maddox, Jesse Helms, and others, have played on people's fear of the unfamiliar to score cheap political points at the expense of the rights and sometimes lives of others.

History has branded their position as wrong. And history will similarly brand the notion that gay marriage somehow "threatens" straight marriage as wrong. Our job is to make sure it doesn't take 40 years to get there this time.

Now I'm off to do poll canvassing. All day. Starting at 6 AM and going to 8 PM. If you see me, with my blue camp chair and my Abate for Congress buttons, stop by and have a chat.

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