mardi 20 juin 2006

Two of Tony Snow's "numbers"

Take a good look at these young Americans.

This is Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, of Houston, Texas and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25, of Madras, Oregon. These are the two soldiers who were kidnapped by the Iraqi insurgency, tortured, and killed. These are two more soldiers that George W. Bush's press secretary and former Fox flack Tony Snow referred to the other day as "numbers."

These are two more soldiers who are being treated as political footballs by the men surrounding their own Commander-in-Chief in a desperate attempt to save his political fortunes.

Enough is enough. This Administration has no plan for victory. They have no plan for rebuilding. They have no plan that goes any farther than keeping control of Washington in November 2006 and 2008.

I have a friend whose young adult daughter passed away suddenly earlier this year. I've seen how the death of a child can damage a family. Every death of every kid that dies in this war damages another American family. Sometimes that sacrifice is necessary. In the case of this war, that sacrifice has never been necessary. And there is no need for any more American families to suffer this grief because the president is unable and unwilling to say "I made a mistake."


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