lundi 5 juin 2006

Masturbation Monday

I know that the mere mention of John Aravosis' name can get me kicked out of the Feminist Bloggers Alliance, a nonexistent organization I just made up, but in the name once again of marching to my own drummer, I'm pointing you folks over to some got some damn fine political theatre he's got going on.

This involves calling members of the House and Senate who favor a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and inquiring into their own sexual practices and marital histories.

Here's what's going on so far:

SDS reports: Just called Lindsay Graham's office and asked if he was celibate. The girl who answered the phone got nasty and asked me if I was. I said no and then said I'm not a hypocrite. Also called Dole's office and asked for her views on adultery. No response from the secretary.

Bill writes: Just called Lamar Alexander, the staffer continually answered "that's not relevant" "these questions are not relevant, I won't answer."

Lily writes: I called the Senators office in Utah, and asked being that the Congress feels it it their duty to get into bedrooms and use the US Constitution to do it, the I would like to know if he and others are prepared to set an example and let the American people know about their indescretions ?

The secratary sho answered his phone said "You know what ma'am we do not take questions like that"

I said, "well if they are ready to get into legistate our personal sex lives, shouldn't they be prepared to answer"?

hehe.. She got all pissy and asked my zip, which I was happy to give to her.

It does my twisted little heart good. Hoist, petard, etc.

To join in the fun, pull a name from here.

(UPDATE: Hilarious phone call transcripts here and here.

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