mercredi 26 avril 2006

United 93 opens Friday. Are you going to see it?

It's movies like United 93 that make me glad I decided to slack off of movie reviews until and unless I feel truly inspired. If I were still dedicated to reviewing all of the Important Openings, I'd feel obligated to see it. But I plan to pass this one by.

For one thing, I'm afraid to fly under the best of circumstances. I still vividly remember one particularly bad landing in 50 mph crosswinds at Newark Airport, while our Air Jamaica pilot (who for my money are some of the best in the business) explained how he was "trying to get a better runway". This flight involved 3 abortive landings before we finally touched down. When Mr. Brilliant is white as a sheet and passengers are actually using the barf bags, you know it's bad. Then there was the time when a flight to Raleigh-Durham got below the fog level before the landing gear was down -- and you could read the numbers on the runway. Usually I rely on the reactions of other passengers -- and that time I saw fear on everyone's face.

It's only been in the last year or so that I can fly without feeling utter, well, terror.

I'm also not one to stop and rubberneck at car accidents either, though I understand most people do. And I think it's that instinct that's going to make people pay money to watch a plane full of doomed people -- people we've come to know via their families and the many news reports that followed the 9/11 attacks -- try in vain to save their own lives.

I'm perfectly willing to see movies that make me think, or that make me feel. But I for one don't feel I need to experience 9/11 all over again, no matter how expertly and tastefully it's handled.

What about you?

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