dimanche 30 avril 2006

It's only April, and Stephen Colbert has already wrapped up the #1 spot on my Brilliant for 2006 list

Oh. My. God.

I'm speechless. Just speechless. Good thing Stephen Colbert wasn't speechless at the White House Correspondents' dinner, because this is the most priceless piece of video you will ever watch for the rest of your life.

Just go watch it. It will fill your heart with joy. Note especially how Colbert gets snubbed by Pickles at the end.

The hell with Clapton. Stephen Colbert IS God. He pwn3d those bitchez but good.

Of course, after a performance like this, which in 15 minutes completely skewered the entire last five years in Washington, he'd better be careful. At the very least, he'd better make sure not to fudge anything on his taxes. Oh yeah, and Stephen? Check for little boxes attached to your phone line.

UPDATE. All of Reality-based Blogtopia is equally awestruck.

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