vendredi 28 avril 2006

The Erasure of Mark Bingham

Today is the day of the collective wingnut wargasm, as they line up in droves to see United 93, a film designed to help them get their hate on with renewed vigor.

I'm still not planning to see it, for all that the reviews have been quite good. But one wingnut in particular, a female Ann Coulter wannabe, a member of the 101st Fighting Keyboarders' Ladies Auxilliary named Debbie Schlussel, seems to think we need this film to remind us of our government's response:

has been almost five years since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, and most Americans have fallen back to sleep. They've forgotten who our enemy is: extremist Islam. They've forgotten why the Patriot Act was enacted. They've forgotten why it was necessary for the NSA to listen in on phone calls of Muslims in America to their friends overseas. They've forgotten why it is necessary that many Islamic charities allegedly funding hospitals and orphanages must be shut down (because as on 9/11, they fund acts and groups that continue to put people in hospitals and orphanages).

That's why "United 93" should be required movie viewing for all Americans who love freedom . . . while we still have it. This movie is the wake-up call that needs to be visited upon anyone who questions why our government responded the way it did when nearly 3,000 innocent Americans were murdered by Islamic terrorists.

Actually, I agree. And here is how our government responded while 3000 innocent Americans were murdered by Islamic terrorists:

In the lore surrounding that doomed flight, there used to be FOUR names etched into the public consciousness as the ringleaders of the attempt to re-take control of the plane: Jeremy Glick, Todd Beamer, Tom Burnett, and Mark Bingham.

Take a look at the "heroes of flight 93" that Schlussel has chosen to show in her blog entry on United 93.

Notice anyone missing?

Mark Bingham is nowhere to be found.

Why do YOU think Mark Bingham is omitted from the Wingnut History of 9/11?

Go read about him. Then do the math.

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