vendredi 17 mars 2006

Time for American Jews to stop this nonsensical alliance with the Christian Right

I don't care HOW much money the Christofascist Zombie Brigade donates to Israel, these people are NOT YOUR FRIENDS.

Here's Don Wildmon, American Family Association, in a discussion on the March 8 American Family Report. Now forget for a minute the obsession with gay bathhouses (I don't think about gay bathhouses all the time, do you?) -- anything is an excuse to get a little Jew-baiting in there:

WILDMON: What does -- what does [Equality Ride co-director] Jacob Reitan say? He's one of the spokesmen. "We must cut off the suffering at its source. The source is religion-based opposition -- the religion-based oppression -- and it's taken place for centuries." In other words, we must get rid of the Christian faith. Let's go to these Christian schools. What if we had organized a tour and said, "We're going to the bathhouses in -- in 24 cities -- the homosexual bathhouses -- and we're going to confront these people, you know, for what they're doing," etc. -- etc. -- how would the media play that?

JACKSON: And demand that these bathhouses give us a forum to have our say.

WILDMON: Make them and bring 'em out there and give us -- set us up and -- yeah.

JACKSON: Yeah. Well, we know where the media would have its sympathies in that case. Of course, and it wouldn't be done, anyway. But these people, it just reinforces as you say, Don, what you just said. They regard Christianity, they regard biblical teaching, as the source of their problems. And what they're demanding is no less than you Christians stop teaching that homosexuality is a sin.

WILDMON: Stop -- stop -- stop preaching from the Bible.

JACKSON: That's right.


BENSON: Yeah, I mean, this is -- this is what you call -- what? -- chutzpah. This is -- this is --

WILDMON: That's a Jewish word, right? Be careful.

Be careful? Why? Is Jewishness contagious? Does it turn macho swaggering guys with the faux-confidence that comes from the fundie get-out-of-jail-free card into Marc Maron? Does it manifest by insatiable cravings for gefilte fish? Does it make you go into Wal-Mart and try to haggle prices down even further? Does it mean that mohels chase after you with their circumcision knives? What, exactly, is the dire consequence that happens when a good KKKristian homophobe utters the word "chutzpah"?

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