mardi 21 mars 2006

No, they cannot create their own reality

In the Bush Administration bubble, they still think they're sitting with 90% approval ratings, they still believe Americans will believe everything they say, and they insist that they can create their own reality.

Exhibit A: Dick Cheney:

"On Sunday, Vice President Dick Cheney did not express any regret for predicting in the days before the invasion that U.S. troops would be greeted as liberators or his assessment 10 months ago that the insurgency was in its 'last throes.' On the contrary, he said the optimistic statements 'were basically accurate, reflect reality.'"

What possible version of reality could Cheney be referring to? And they say he wasn't drinking before he blew the old lawyer's face "clean-off," as Dirty Harry once said. Cheney is a member of what is, perhaps, the most self-deluded and delusional administration in the history of human civilization. It is no easy feat that something uttered by any member of this gaggle of goofballs could ever stand out in comparison to the rest, but Cheney's insanity is beginning to command attention like a slow-speed car-chase on a Los Angeles freeway.

Cheney isn't merely trying to convince the world and American people that Iraq is on the verge of utopia. He, like most crazy people, actually believes the strange voices in his head -- he listens to them just like Pat Robertson attends to those in his empty skull. Not convinced Dick Cheney is certifiably insane?

"I think we are going to succeed in Iraq, I think the evidence is overwhelming," Cheney said.

What more proof is required?

I disagree that he's insane. He's just living in a time warp circa 2003, back when "Who you gonna believe; me or your lyin' eyes" was working for them.

The one remaining question is whether we are going to demand accountability from this administration -- and whether we are going to elect leaders this November who will do what they need to in order to exact said accountability.

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